Ben Uri Research Unit - Archive

for the study and digital recording of the Jewish, Refugee and wide Immigrant contribution to British visual culture since 1900.

Archive Search

The references listed below to your search request are in most recent date hierarchy. Click on the blue ‘view’ tab in the far-right hand column. You will appreciate the scans available are what they are and we apologies if not fulfilling your specific quest. If you wish to review and return to the list, click on the ‘back’ arrow on the top left of the page and not on the ‘Run another search’ button. Only use that resource when searching for something else.’ We recommend you are as succinct and exact as possible in detailing your searches: E.g. Exhibitions 1965 or Bomberg exhibitions rather than a more descriptive sentence.

You searched for Marek Szwarc

1 item found. Note records with scans (jpeg or pdf) marked with asterisk
Item Series Date  
Summer Exhibition of Paintings, Sculptures and Drawings by Contemporary Artists 1944 * Exhibitions - Catalogues and Invitations 1944 view